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Sunday, September 27, 2009


Property Development Progress To Go Online. Property Development Progress To Go Online. The recent property crash in the Dubai real estate market has caused investors all kinds of problems, as property market crashes tend to do! However where Dubai has outdone itself in this respect is the total lack of information with regards to the current status of many under construction developments. The Emirate currently has Billions of dollars worth of property under construction, a large proportion of which now seems to been put on hold, and in a number of cases, canceled completely! With the credit crunch starting to bite, and demand for property falling sharply, many developers simply don’t have the necessary with which to complete developments, and even if they did, there now many not be the demand to make it worth while! Some freehold property developments have been cancelled, despite having already begun construction; such

is extent of the problem with the current world and local markets. It is a lack of information and clarity on the current situation that is really not helping investors.
People have invested large amount of cash into Dubai property, yet many have no idea as to what the current state of play with their property now is. With all problems rumored, no one really has a clear picture as to what is going on, which of course is very frustrating! Last month a list emerged which claimed to list all developments in Dubai that were cancelled or that were no longer going ahead. The list, which featured some big name property developments, sent shock waves through the Dubai property industry. The list, if correct showed a much larger amount of property was currently on hold or not going ahead, than had been previously estimated.
To try and shed some light on the current situation, the Dubai Real Estate Regulatory agency (RERA) has launched an online program to allow investors to find out more easily what is happening with their development. This independent progress report, which should be completely independent, should go some way to helping investors relax. The data used to ascertain building progress will be collected by government engineers, and will hopefully bring clarity to what at present is causing a huge deal of concern to Dubai properties investors.
Dubai Property and Dubai Real Rstate

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